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More than half of women in Canada provide care to children and care-dependent adults, and nearly a quarter of Canadians provide care to dependent adults. ​

It comes as no surprise then, that over half of caregivers report feeling tired, worried, anxious or overwhelmed. ​Despite the many rewards of being a caregiver, paid and unpaid care take a significant toll on a person’s physical and mental health. ​​

The increased pressure caregiving has placed on the healthcare system and home-care services post-pandemic has become so important, that the federal government is now looking at the needs of the care economy - the social infrastructure revolving around those who need and/or provide care.  


Join us for an inspirational and informative breakfast on the critical role of caregiving in our culture.


From the impact of the care economy to where to find services available to ease the burden of caring for others, join Kensington Health for a morning of inspired

Featuring an intimate conversation with celebrated Canadian journalist, Lisa LaFlamme, on changes in the care economy, this breakfast fundraiser assembles the best resources, perspectives and ideas about community caregiving.

Caregiver comforting resident
Marquee sign

Program Highlights

7:30  Registration & Gourmet breakfast buffet 

8:10  Adil Khalfan, President & CEO, Kensington Health

          The rise of care needs post-pandemic and the value of community care

8:20  Dr. Nadine Persaud, Executive Director of Kensington Hospice &

        Senior Director of Client Services

          Supporting the sandwich generation of caregivers with tips and tools for

          navigating care and the importance of caring for caregivers


8:30  Fireside chat with Lisa LaFlamme moderated by

        Corinne Rusch-Drutz, CEO, Kensington Health Foundation

          Perspectives on the changing nature of care, from small communities to

          urban centres, care around country and across the globe 


8:50  Town Hall with Lisa LaFlamme 

          The rise of the care economy in Canada and questions close to home


9:15  Closing


9:30  VIP

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